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  • Writer's pictureTamarin G

Welcome to the blank slate!

I'm glad you've taken a moment to scroll through my page. I intend to use this space to gather and curate information from around the web that interests me or inspires me. I have varied interests and passions, so you never know what you might find. What I can promise is that it'll be a varied collection of business and industry information, environmental topics, and thoughts on travel among others. I'll add my personal thoughts to the content for your amusement.

Please feel free to comment back, I love interacting with you and learning about what inspires you in your personal and professional life. Want to share pictures of your pets or family? I welcome them here.

The only rules are to be nice, and to treat others as you would like to be treated. This is a safe and welcoming space where anyone may share their thoughts without judgement. I reserve the right to delete inflammatory responses.

To start things off, here is a picture of the lovely camellia that graces my yard this time each year. Do you have a seasonal favorite in your yard?

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